Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Progressive Independent

The question PI members should be asking their headmistress Tinoire is “why have we become what we hate the most”?

True Liberal Progressives have always been in the forefront of combating racial bigotry in history yet you label Condoleezza Rice, Aunt Jemima and label US Senator Barack Obama the “mocha candidate” implying he is not black enough for you. I thought the fight in the 1960’s was about more representation in Congress that would resemble all the people of the United States. Didn’t feminists deplore the “glass ceiling” that restricted the advancement of women? Why have you become the antithesis of those goals? Is it that “only” a person of color that meets your expectations worthy of your praise? Have you ever wondered why your person of choice for the Democratic nomination, Dennis Kucinich laughed in your face when you suggested Cynthia McKinney as your choice for Vice-President? You should have been grateful that he didn’t do a Bush and vomit on your clothing. In summary this is one foot forward and three steps back or to put it another way, you are going assbackwards.

As a member, reading all the forums at PI and specifically the Complicity forum I noticed three overwhelming themes. The banning from DU of many members of PI. The “piling on” by DUers. Finally the allowing what we at PI call the “look over there syndrome”. I will leave the situation in the Middle East separate for the time being for obvious reasons but promise to return to that at a later time.

Many if not most PI members were and are DU members. Why is their banishment any different from the banning of members you don’t agree with? Can you say “selective outrage”? Even today your two co-admins are members of DU and for the life of me I have no idea why Skinner hasn’t tossed them overboard yet. The three of you greet each banned person joining PI as a martyr and ask the same question. How come it took you so long to leave that hive? My question is why your partners don’t also leave the DU “hive” too? Assuming you use the term “hive” as a derogatory term, would you not also include PI in that definition? In your radio interview on the day of the protest march you very emphatically stated you would not allow any new members that didn’t think along your lines. Is that not the definition of a “hive”? How can PI challenge and condemn that double standard at the same time and have any reason to hope for credibility?

I agree with you about the horrors of piling on those you disagree with. However I remember the thread when a wondering idiot with the nickname OJT joined PI. Would that thread be an example? Damn if you and your co-admins didn’t beat the crap out of her. Were you proud of that display? Did that make PI look any better than DU that day or is it only PI’s shit that doesn’t stink? Pot meet kettle.

I also agree that the “look over there” syndrome is a very weak debating tactic used by poor debaters with a lousy grip on their subject. It not only shows laziness but an ignorance of the subject on hand usually reserved for those times when facts are uncomfortable. Is that also why you re-direct readers of PSU to a page of horrible pictures because you refuse or more likely cannot rebuke their claims? That is “Hey look over there” to the max. One more thing about that page. It is universal to say you deplore the death of innocent children, have no Jewish children also died or do you consider Jewish blood as inconsequential?

One last thought if I may. The past few days have multiple threads about Paul Wolfowitz and all are unflattering. I understand your disdain for the person and I’m sure each and every one would love to confront him if it were possible. Then why in the world when you had the actual chance you chose to line up and have your picture taken with him? You resembled a group of pimply faced high school boys running after Brittany Spears.

The I/P issue is too lengthy to be addressed right now, besides I just awoke from my dream.

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