Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The real debate we want to see

Gasbag productions (a conglomerate of CNN, MSNBC and CNN) are proud to present tonight’s debate between the candidates in search of their respective party’s nomination for POTUS. In an attempt to “educate” the sheeple of the US, we have extended our invitations to candidates of of the main parties. Hosting tonight’s discussion is the CEO of Gasback productions Tweety “Blitz” O’Liely a/k/a TBO.

TBO: It is fitting tonight that Gasbag Productions has accumulated an All-Star team of America’s gasbags here at BullShit stadium. This alone disproves the theory that you can’t put 100 pounds of shit in a 50 pound bag. We can and we did. So take that mathematicians and scientists and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine. To start, we have asked each candidate if they wish to make an opening statement before the discussion formally begins.

RG: Change, change, change and 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9,11.

HC: Change, change, change, change and I would never play the gender card. (sob, sob)

MH: Change, change, change and I found Jesus at band camp (hidden in the tuba)

DK: Change, change, change and I am not an elf, just vertically challenged.

MR: Change, change, change and I challenge Edwards to a hairstyling contest.

JE: Change, change, change and I accept Romney’s challenge only if he adds hair coloring to that challenge.

JM: Change, change, change and I will not play the POW card because I find it difficult to raise my arms.

BO: Change, change, change and I will not play the race card if I can show off some cool dance steps.

FT: Change, change, change and I will not play the TV star card and my wife is more a trophy wife than DK’s.

RP: Change, change, change and I will not play the Nazi card despite my endorsement by Psycho Incorporated.

TBO: Thank you lady and gentlemen for your remarks. I can’t help but notice seeing how I am so superior in intelligence that “change” is the main theme in the 2008 nominations. I know you can change your underwear occasionally, change the baby’s diaper, change your mind or make change for a super size order of fries, but what does “change” mean to you?

HC: DUH and I would never burn my bra.

MK: DUH and Jesus might have been in the saxophone.

BO: DUH and I learned my dance steps from Soul Train.

FT: DUH and my trophy wife has nicer tatas.

JE: DUH and I’m a natural blonde.

MR: DUH and my salt and pepper hair can’t be added to your meat loaf recipe.

DK: DUH and my wife is a Martian where tatas are irrevalent.

RP: DUH and my newsletter of 20 years running is not my “stated” opinion.

JM: DUH and I couldn’t change my underwear in the Hanoi Hilton.

RG: DUH and 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11.

TBO: Now that we now know what change means to everyone we can continue. Wait a minute, we seem to have a disturbance in the back of the room. Ralph Nadar is shouting something I can barely make out. Something about change meaning screwing up the voting once again. Sorry Ralphie, you have had your 15 minutes of fame and if you want change, buy a Pinto. I see that time has run out this evening and I invite our listeners to stay tuned for the after debate discussion with our Gasbag experts telling us what the candidates really meant in their various statements. Following their analysis will be a documentary entitled Brittany, Brittany, Brittany and Family Values. You don’t want to miss that. Before we leave, I notice that some of our candidates want to make a last statement.

MH: Jesus might have been in the trumpet. You know how all those “horns” look alike.

RG: 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11 and don’t forget 9/11.

TBO: Good night and good luck to all the ships at sea.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Our Thangsgiving Ritual

Every year Linda & I have a Thanksgiving ritual. Erev Thanksgiving we take our nieces and nephews to watch the balloons for the Macy’s parade being blown up. We also take the girls for manicures and pedicures then a trip to the candy store where the goal is to spend more of our money than the year before. The family record if I remember correctly is $190.00. The candy (or at least most of it) is consumed later in the evening where you can hear shouts of “Party, Party and No Sleep, No Sleep”. During the party we also try to have a theme. The best theme and/or project we ever did was to create a “family tree” to be presented to Linda’s folks. I printed out pictures from my collection of “family photos” and the kids cut them up and placed them on a tree that they had drawn. The kids did present that project to their grandparents and they couldn’t have been happier if you gave them a new car.

Two years ago I challenged my 15 year old nephew to have a pedicure. I even offered him $100.00 as a bribe to accept my offer. He did me one better by offering to do it for free by daring me to have one first. Let the record show that I “chickened out”. This year I challenged my 10 year old nephew to do the same this year. I added a $50.00 bribe to “sweeten” the pot. Not only has he accepted my offer but he did it faster than Brittany Spears would shed her top, laughing all the time.

The moral of the story?

When will I ever learn that I will never out think my nephews? If history is the judge, never is the appropriate answer.

Friday, October 5, 2007


Being an atheist must really suck. You have no holidays to celebrate, you have no days in the year where alternate side of the parking rules are relaxed specifically for you, no specific music to share at family gatherings and most importantly no special foods to consume for that special occasion. You also do not have any supreme being to absolve you of any sins. You don’t even have a United Nations organization to turn to for relief. Atheists have no supreme being to thank for making that last second foul shot or for kicking the winning field goal in the fourth quarter. Whose will is it when caught in a hurricane or earthquake? What are your chances of winning the lottery when your competition is getting help from you know who? Do you even have a “fundamentalist” group to be part of? When in the throes of lovemaking can you ever say “Oh my God”? If you sneeze do your fellow atheists even bother to acknowledge it?

To alleviate the problem the United Nations intends to begin a Food for empty promises program. Now that’s a program the UN is qualified to run. This problem too must be Israel’s fault. Therefore I suggest Israelis trade their designation as the “Chosen People” to the atheist movement for a commandment to be named later as a form of reparation. Hallmark is preparing to sell atheist spiritual greeting cards with an empty message on the inside. They should corner the market with an aggressive sales program.

Monday, May 7, 2007


Now is a good time to review some of April’s news and what we may come to expect for May. Note that these items are not sorted in way to indicate importance (or non-importance) in any manner. They might indicate the workings of my sometimes whacky mind but that’s a blog for another day.

New York Yankees

April was not the kindest month for Georgie’s expensive toy. When you get more coverage in the AMA medical journals than the back pages of the New York Post or Daily News you have to know that something is wrong in Denmark and it’s not the knot holes in their wooden shoes. So George’s immediate solution is to fire the trainer. Tell me again how many games did the trainer blow when he masqueraded as Mariano Rivera? Anyway the search is on for a new trainer. I respectfully suggest George search for a physician that specializes in removing heads from asses. The two worst cases needing this treatment which I believe is called a cranialrectalobotomy are Carl Pavano and Brian Cashman. Carl (dubbed American Idle by my good friend Don) hasn’t decided yet whether he is a pitcher for the New York Yankees or a test dummy for Einstein Medical Center. I would also like to know what Cashman was drinking when he decided that a platoon of Josh Phelps and Doug Mientkiewicz was adequate enough to play first base. The ghosts of Lou Gehrig and Don Mattingly they are not.
Now that the “Rocket” will be (re)joining the Yankees at the end of the month, it would be a good time to ask the Commissioner’s office if Geritol (a/k/a Steroids for Seniors) is on its list of performance enhancing drugs.

Paris Hilton

I guess it’s immaterial whether Paris was pulled over for DUI or DWS (Driving While Stupid), the bottom line is that she will be relocating to a designer 8” x 12” jail cell for a month and a half. To all the Paris fans don’t be sad there are some positives to take from this event. She will not have to decide if she should go out panty less at night. She won’t be confused for a month and a half whether red or white wine is appropriate with her prison fare. Expect upon her release a new line of designer license plates to purchase. Expect also three new episodes for her reality road show series entitled “Paris does Penal Potty Training”. I would mention the new porn video which is expected in July but I really do want to retain my PG rating for this blog.

Rudy Giuliani

We always knew Rudy was a fabulous entertainer (think of his act as a cross dresser on SNL) but now we learn he is also a great mimic as well. His imitation of a Kerry flip flop is nothing but amazing. To remind everyone, Kerry voted FOR the war in Iraq BEFORE he voted against the war. Rudy had NO problem with abortion and a woman’s right to choose until he was against it. Rudy, I think you should remind yourself how well that worked out for Kerry. Take my advice, shit or get off the pot. Now that I am in an advice giving mood, stop thinking that your war against squeegee people qualifies you to be the only person in the world capable of conducting the war on terror. Your placing your “command office’ in so obvious a target as the WTC will not go down as the most brilliant decision in history. Wasn’t the 1993 incident an obvious clue? Not to mention the urgency you placed on getting the fire department better radios for their use in tragedies like this. Despite your handling of NYC on 9/11/2001, let’s not forget another brilliant idea that followed was your suggestion that the laws of NYC be ignored and your term of office should continue. Had that been accomplished how can that not be interpretated as the terrorists winning. Our Constitution is a bit stronger than you are willing to give it credit for.

Receiving honorable mention

Brady Quinn – For those people still upset that the All-American quarterback from Notre Dame dropped to the 22nd pick in the NFL draft, you can form a line to the right and help him carry his millions to the bank.

Larry Burkhart – Congratulations on winning the Nicole Smith baby DNA lottery. I hope someone told you that you also won the title of father and not just the title of the baby’s banker. Reality is a bitch sometimes.

Imus & Sharpton – Hey Mr. Imus, for all the pandering and groveling you did to that snake oil salesman, how come you didn’t have the balls to ask Al when he was going to apologize to Steven Pagones or the Duke students that he was ready to lynch?

Bush & Gonzalez - OOOOPS

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Progressive Independent

The question PI members should be asking their headmistress Tinoire is “why have we become what we hate the most”?

True Liberal Progressives have always been in the forefront of combating racial bigotry in history yet you label Condoleezza Rice, Aunt Jemima and label US Senator Barack Obama the “mocha candidate” implying he is not black enough for you. I thought the fight in the 1960’s was about more representation in Congress that would resemble all the people of the United States. Didn’t feminists deplore the “glass ceiling” that restricted the advancement of women? Why have you become the antithesis of those goals? Is it that “only” a person of color that meets your expectations worthy of your praise? Have you ever wondered why your person of choice for the Democratic nomination, Dennis Kucinich laughed in your face when you suggested Cynthia McKinney as your choice for Vice-President? You should have been grateful that he didn’t do a Bush and vomit on your clothing. In summary this is one foot forward and three steps back or to put it another way, you are going assbackwards.

As a member, reading all the forums at PI and specifically the Complicity forum I noticed three overwhelming themes. The banning from DU of many members of PI. The “piling on” by DUers. Finally the allowing what we at PI call the “look over there syndrome”. I will leave the situation in the Middle East separate for the time being for obvious reasons but promise to return to that at a later time.

Many if not most PI members were and are DU members. Why is their banishment any different from the banning of members you don’t agree with? Can you say “selective outrage”? Even today your two co-admins are members of DU and for the life of me I have no idea why Skinner hasn’t tossed them overboard yet. The three of you greet each banned person joining PI as a martyr and ask the same question. How come it took you so long to leave that hive? My question is why your partners don’t also leave the DU “hive” too? Assuming you use the term “hive” as a derogatory term, would you not also include PI in that definition? In your radio interview on the day of the protest march you very emphatically stated you would not allow any new members that didn’t think along your lines. Is that not the definition of a “hive”? How can PI challenge and condemn that double standard at the same time and have any reason to hope for credibility?

I agree with you about the horrors of piling on those you disagree with. However I remember the thread when a wondering idiot with the nickname OJT joined PI. Would that thread be an example? Damn if you and your co-admins didn’t beat the crap out of her. Were you proud of that display? Did that make PI look any better than DU that day or is it only PI’s shit that doesn’t stink? Pot meet kettle.

I also agree that the “look over there” syndrome is a very weak debating tactic used by poor debaters with a lousy grip on their subject. It not only shows laziness but an ignorance of the subject on hand usually reserved for those times when facts are uncomfortable. Is that also why you re-direct readers of PSU to a page of horrible pictures because you refuse or more likely cannot rebuke their claims? That is “Hey look over there” to the max. One more thing about that page. It is universal to say you deplore the death of innocent children, have no Jewish children also died or do you consider Jewish blood as inconsequential?

One last thought if I may. The past few days have multiple threads about Paul Wolfowitz and all are unflattering. I understand your disdain for the person and I’m sure each and every one would love to confront him if it were possible. Then why in the world when you had the actual chance you chose to line up and have your picture taken with him? You resembled a group of pimply faced high school boys running after Brittany Spears.

The I/P issue is too lengthy to be addressed right now, besides I just awoke from my dream.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Written by a dear friend

Dear Sir or Madam:

On April 16, 2007, amidst the great tragedy of Virginia Tech murders, a man emerged as a hero. His actions, according to his own students, saved their lives and cost him his own. This man was Dr. Liviu Librescu. A professor at VA Tech for several years, Dr. Librescu began his life in Romania and within a short few years of life became a survivor of one of the greatest genocides of the 20th Century, the Holocaust. Dr. Librescu survived to become an accomplished professor and, once again, survived under yet another bloodthirsty dictator. He then moved to Israel for several years, before coming to the United States some twenty years ago to educate young minds at Virginia Tech.

The Yom HaShoah, a day set aside to remember the victims and survivors of the Holocaust, was also on April 16, 2007. It was that day, that a Holocaust survivor, Dr. Liviu Librescu, sacrificed his own life by using his body to barricade the door to his classroom, preventing a gunman from entering, and allowing his students to flee through the windows. The day a murder took the lives of thirty-two innocent individuals, including Dr. Liviu Librescu, he became a hero. This dedicated educator, accomplished author, award winner, Holocaust survivor, husband, and father died so that others may live.

I ask that you and your colleagues introduce legislation to confer the Congressional Gold Medal upon Dr. Liviu Librescu. He was in life, as in death, an example of a true hero. I hope you will agree with me and bestow our country’s highest honors on a truly inspirational, deserving, and heroic man.

The above letter was written by a close friend to send to his Congressional legislators. I intend to write the same letter to my representatives and encourage others to do the same.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

So I started a blog.

Sooner or later this was bound to happen, therefore I have parked my horse and buggy in the garage and have decided to enter the 21st century. I do not expect to be so erudite that I will earn a mention on some web site sharing my thoughts with Plato, Socrates or Aristotle. I have more chances to be cited with Moe, Curley and Shem. Don't expect those expectations to stop me though. If it's on my lung, it's on my tounge. Those who know me in my role as one of the co-founders of http://prosemiteundercover.phpbbnow.com/index.php already know that quite well.

You can expect to see many different topics. I may post some of my photos of people, places and things. Please understand I belong to the class of photographers that believe if you take enough pictures you will eventually get a good one. Of course if some reader chooses to explain the difference between a bus stop and an F-stop to me, I will be eternally greatful. Until then I will have to rely on the point, shoot and pray methodology that has served me well for many years.

Also expect to see a myriad of lame excuses why my fantasy baseball team is languishing in the crapper. You would think that getting thrashed by your 10 year old nephew would be humiliating enough but being a glutten for punishment I keep on trying. Sometimes I feel like the "Energizer" bunny on the Monday after Easter Sunday with all my dumb trades and choices and that is one hell of a hangover.

Of course I will comment on the politics of the day. Be they Republicans (Rudy), Democrats (Hillary) or Elves (Dennis) they will be treated with the "respect" they have earned. Please take that with the understanding that if "respect" was taxable most of them would never even reach the level of being required to file. Attention publisher's of Roget's Thesaurus, here come a thought for you to publish. "Whoever wins the next election will be an improvement over the current administration." And you may quote me.

Being a "forum junkie" expect a few comments. If you recognize yourself I will not be surprised. If you don't recognize yourself, you are dumber than I thought. Idiocy and pure hatred are the true bi-partisan issues in today's Internet world. For example, David Duke is championed by both Right and Left leaning sites. You can't get more dysfunctional than that and not be on some serious meds.

So expect anything and everything.